- Dec 5, 2016 - Commonly used key commands for Logic Pro X. Saved from Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts. Commonly used key commands for Logic Pro X. Logic Pro X Logic Pro Tutorial Logic Studio Macbook Pro Tips Apple Logic Music Software Recorder Music Keyboard Shortcuts Home Studio Music.
- Here is a walkthrough of all the most useful key commands in Logic Pro X. I hope they'll help you to work a lot quicker. More articles & videos: http://www.m.
- An intuitive web app to help you memorize Logic Pro X key commands. For (UK) English and International English keyboards with or without a numeric keypad. Logic Pro X Key Commands 10.0.7.
- The Logic Pro X backlit keyboard from KB Covers is a backlit keyboard that provides you with faster editing capabilities than a typical keyboard. This keyboard gives you fast access to all of the shortcuts in a color coded layout, saving you the hassle of referring to manuals, menus, and tool-bars.
May 15, 2020 logic pro x keyboard shortcuts pdf download. Improve your workflow, with just one click you can open or close, change tool, zoom in or out, really helpful.
These key configs and the cheat sheet are a WIP. The key commands file corresponding to this cheatsheet is available HERE. It is worth noting that there are a few slight variations from the default key configuration; hence, the download.
SpacebarPlay or StopRRecordMMute TrackCtrl+Alt+Cmd+MMute Off for AllSSolo TrackCtrl+Alt+Cmd+SSolo Off for AllAlt+MToggle Track OnPlay/Record
Shift+SpacePlay From SelectionShift+EnterPlay From Left Window EdgeAlt+SpaceSet Locators and PlayCmd+ReturnMove Playhead to BeginningShift+RCapture RecordingKToggle MetronomeShift+KToggle Count-InCmd+.Delete recording and Return to Last Position,Advance Playhead 1 Bar.Rewind Playhead 1 BarShift+,Advance Playhead 8 BarsShift+.Rewind Playhead 8 BarsUSet Locators by RegionShift+Cmd+,Move Locators Back by Cycle LengthShift+Cmd+.Move Locators Forward by Cycle LengthCEnable CycleDisplay Management
Cmd+LeftZoom Horizontal LeftCmd+RightZoom Horizontal RightCmd+UpZoom Vertical OutCmd+DownZoom Vertical InZZoom to Fit Selection or All` (back tick)Catch PlayheadCtrl+`Scroll in PlayCtrl+GToggle GridModifiers
Using the specified tool, hold down the specified Keys to achieve a different commandKey(s)ToolCommandCtrl+AltAnyChange to the Zoom toolAltPointerDrag a region to create a copyShiftPointerSelect automation nodesCtrl+ShiftPointerCreate crossfade between audio regionsCtrl+ShiftPointerAdjust curvesAltMarqueeCreate marquee selection for selected regionAlt+ShiftMarqueeAdd to marquee selectionShow/Hide
Cmd+KMusical TypingXMixerPPiano RollEEditorIInspectorTTool MenuYLibraryOLoop BrowserWAudio File EditorVAll PlugIn WindowsGGlobal TracksATrack AutomationDList EditorsFMedia AreaLogic Pro X Keyboard List
Alt+NNotepadAlt+KKey CommandsCmd+LControl Surface Learn ModeAlt+Shift+KController AssignmentsAlt+PProject SettingsCmd+,PreferencesHTrack HideSelecting
Cmd+ASelect AllAlt+Shift+DDeselect AllShift+IInvert SelectionShift+FSelect All FollowingSelect Auxiliary Channel StripsShift+LSelect All Inside LocatorsShift+OSelect Overlapped Regions / Events
Select Output Channel StripsShift+ESelect Equal Regions / Events
Select MIDI Channel StripsShift+SSelect Similar Regions / Events
Select Instrument Channel StripsShift+MSelect Muted Regions / Events / Channel StripsShift+CSelect Equal Colored Regions / Events / Channel StripsShift+`Scroll to SelectionShift+HSelect Same ChannelsShift+UpSelect Highest NotesShift+DownSelect Lowest Notes
Naming & Coloring
Shift+ReturnRename TrackShift+TRename Take/CompShift+NRename RegionsAlt+Shift+NName Regions by Track NameLogic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Windows 10
Alt+Shift+Cmd+NName Track by Region NameAlt+CShow/Hide Color ChooserShift+CSelect Equal Colored Regions / Events / Channel StripsAlt+Shift+CColor Regions by Track ColorAlt+Shift+Cmd+CColor Track by Region ColorCommon Editor Commands
JJoin RegionsCmd+JJoin Notes/RegionsCmd+TSplit Region at PlayheadCmd+[Set Region Start to PlayheadCmd+]Set Region End to PlayheadAlt+Shift+LeftNudge LeftAlt+Shift+RightNudge RightCtrl+Alt+TSet Nudge to TickCtrl+Alt+DSet Nudge to DivisionCtrl+Alt+BSet Nudge to BeatCtrl+Alt+MSet Nudge to BarCtrl+Alt+1Set Nudge to 1msCtrl+Alt+0Set Nudge to 10msAlt+[Shuffle LAlt+]Shuffle RTrim Note to Remove OverlapsShift+Force LegatoAlt+UpTranspose Up One SemitoneAlt+DownTranspose Down One SemitoneAlt+Shift+UpTranspose Up One OctaveAlt+Shift+DownTranspose Down One OctaveCtrl+Shift+Cmd+2Create 2 Automation Points at Region BordersCtrl+Cmd+BkSpaceDelete Visible Automation on TrackCtrl+Shift+Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Reader
Cmd+BkSpaceDelete All Automation on TrackShift+Cmd+DCreate Track StackShift+Cmd+FCreate Folder StackShift+Cmd+GCreate Summing StackShift+Cmd+UFlatten StackAlt+MToggle Track OnCtrl+RRecord-Enable TrackCtrl+Alt+Shift+T